Thursday, April 24, 2014

How to deliver a BORING training session

How about this challenge?


Delivering a fun and interesting training session is easy.  Delivering a boring training session is even much easier. I can do it. You can do it. Everybody can do it.
Eager to know more?
Here are the tips.
Say ‘No’ to ice breaker and energizer activities. They are just wasting your time. Many people are so fond of having activities to fire up the participants or to grab the audience’s attention to the training session or to the facilitator him/herself. But you know what, this so-called ‘short’ activity is actually time-consuming because the participants will have fun and ask for more. ‘It’s not enough. We want more,’ they will say. Besides that, as a facilitator, you have to prepare yourself for that particular energizer. You need to at least know how to do it because you will be mocked if you facilitate an energizer that you do not master. You see, preparation for one energizer also requires your time and energy.
Avoid discussionWhen you give an opportunity for the audience or training participants to ask questions or to criticize the training materials/session, it will just open a window of opportunity for them to start questioning what you train. You will lose your power and dignity. The result of it is that they will not trust you for the next session. Therefore, do not ever end your session (or in the middle of the session) by asking, ‘Is there any question?’ Whatever the circumstance is, keep on going. If there are some people raising their hands and ask if they can ask some questions, just say, ‘Sorry, we do not have any discussion session for today.’ Easy, isn’t it?
I am Mr/s Know-All. Giving training is all about sharing to participants about you know. It’s all about what you know, not what they want to know. So, it is you who runs the show. You are the main actor. You see, people come to your training because they eager to know what you know. Well, there are also some participants who actually come to training with having background knowledge on the trained issues. Since they already know some things, they tend to test you with questions and comments that will discredit you. Well, with this kind of participants, simply tell them that your source is the right one and that theirs is out-of-date. If they insist on telling you comments that might endanger the whole training process, one key sentence that we can always say is, ‘We don’t have much time to argue about this. So why don’t you write your questions or comment on a piece of paper and I will give you better explanation later.’ Well, you know better that it will now likely to happen.
Keep talking, I mean that’s why you want to be a trainer, right? To train people. And to do so, you need to be good at talking. So, do what you’re good at. Talk. Don’t give an opportunity to the participants to start talking. If you do, they will steal your talking time and they will do the training instead.
‘Stay in your comfort zone.’ Your seat is your comfort zone. Why bother yourself to move around? It will just distract the participants’ attention. By staying at your seat or desk, participants can concentrate more and absorb the explanation that you give. Besides that you will not drop a single sweat, except if the room is hot and not air-conditioned.
Glue your audience to their seats. Don’t move. Freeze. It’s pretty much similar to ‘stay in your comfort zone’ idea. There is no advantage to invite participants to mingle and get to know each other. Trainees are here to absorb your explanation. This requires them to sit and enjoy the sessions. Isn’t it nice to have an audience that sits still?
There is no fun in having fun. Having fun requires extra energy, preparation, effort and ‘extraterrestrial’ media. If you concentrate on this thing, you will end up spending your valuable time just for the sake of entertaining the participants. I mean, what is the use of entertaining participants when you are not entertained with what you do to them. Participants attend your training for knowledge, skills, and for attitude. They do not come for laughter. They do not come for smiles. They definitely do not attend your training sessions for energizer and ice-breaker activities. And of course you do not want them to remember your training for the ‘fun’ they have. They should remember your training for the knowledge and skills they gain.
Quiet, please. Music, video, and other sound are prohibited. This multimedia stuff will just distract the participants’ attention, not to mention your concentration too. Moreover, having music and video require sound system and projector. What if the training venue does not provide these tools? Will you stick to your plan and have 30 – 40 participants gather around your laptop just to have a glimpse of what you play? How silly is that?
So, what do you think? It’s easy, isn’t it?
The question now is, ‘how boring can you go?’

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sekolah dan Perlindungan Anak

Sekolah dan Perlindungan Anak

TK JIS (Jakarta International School) akhir-akhir ini menjadi perbincangan yang panas. Sumpah serampah dikeluarkan untuk pelaku sodomi terhadap seorang anak TK yang menjadi murid di sekolah. JIS yang jelas bukan sekolah ecek-ecek bahkan di artikel internet menyebutkan bahwa biaya sekolah JIS 20 juta.
Bahkan management dari JIS merupakan orang-orang berpengalaman yang diimpor dari negara lain.
Ngerinya bagaimana bisa ada sexual predator sampai ada di dalam sekolah. Bagaimana mereka yang mempunyai kelainan sexual sekolah anak-anak menjadi surga imajinasi seksual bagi mereka. Jelas JIS bersalah, dalam arti mereka kecolongan bisa merekrut tenaga kontrak untuk kebersihan yang ternyata sangat berbahaya bagi anak-anak.  Banyak artikel dan blogger membahas tentang bagaimana tips melindungi anak, tapi saya lebih menyoroti bagaimana pihak sekolah menyiapkan institusinya supaya tanggap terhadap perlindungan anak.
Realita Sekolah dan Perlindungan Anak.
Apabila seorang anak sudah masuk ke lingkungan sekolah dan orang tua biasanya akan menyerahkan tanggung jawab melindungi anak kepada sekolah. Di dalam sekolah pengaruh kontrol orang tua kepada anak-anak mereka akan kecil, akan sulit bagi orang tua untuk memantau anaknya setiap aktivitas di sekolah.
Melihat realitas sekolah-sekolah di Indonesia jarang sekali sekolah-sekolah yang paham tentang perlindungan terhadap anak (termasuk UU PA) dan bagaimana membangun situasi sekolah yang aman bagi anak. Apakah ada petunjuk (protokol) perlindungan anak di sekolah? Saya katakan selama saya hidup di Indonesia dan mencermati pendidikan saya tidak pernah bertemu sekolah yang menerapkan hal ini.
Padahal langkah pencegahan terhadap perilaku kekerasan terhadap anak harus menjadi prioritas untuk menjamin anak-anak dapat belajar dan bertumbuh di sekolah dengan baik, perlindungan anak menjadi sangat dasar.
Apa yang harus dilakukan?
Beberapa kali saya melatih Pusat Pengembangan Anak (PPA) yang dimiliki oleh gereja-gereja lokal tentang Perlindungan Anak. Ada perihal-perihal penting yang sekolah bisa mengadaptasinya, yaitu  :
  1. Protokol perlindungan anak, yang mengatur tentang tata cara perlindungan anak dan penanganan apabila terjadi kasus kekerasan terhadap anak.
  1. Komitmen kepada seluruh guru, staff, pekerja yang terlibat di sekolah dan mempunyai kesempatan tatap muka terhadap anak. Komitmen ini tidak sekedar janji, namun atas dasar dorongan kesadaran dan paham tentang konsekuensi kekerasan terhadap anak.
  1. Pengajaran tentang melindungi diri sendiri dari kekerasan (fisik, emosional dan seksual) kepada anak-anak. Tentunya harus memiliki kurikulum Perlindungan Anak yang memadahi.
  2. Pengajaran kepada orang tua tentang Perlindungan anak.  Orang tua pasti peduli keselamatan anaknya hanya seringkali orang tua tidak tahu bagaimana caranya untuk melindungi anaknya secara baik dan tepat.
  3. Pengajaran kepada Guru, Staff dan pekerja tentang Undang-Undang Perlindungan anak, wawasan perlindungan anak dan bagaimana membangun lingkungan yang aman untuk anak.
Kasus JIS sebenarnya hanya satu dari sekian banyak kasus pelecehan seksual terhadap anak. Kita tidak boleh mengabaikannya, tindakan ini harus menjadi prioritas dan segera! Bila menunggu pemerintah menginiasi perlindungan anak pastinya akan lama, semakin banyak anak menjadi korban.
Apabila ingin mendapatkan bahan pelatihan perlindungan anak untuk sekolah bisa menghubungi saya di obedagungnugroho(at)gmail(dot)com, saya berusaha untuk berbagi materi perlindungan anak yang bisa digunakan di sekolah-sekolah.

Sekolah dan Perlindungan Anak

Mengacu pada artikel seorang teman di

Tantangannya adalah:

  1. Apakah sekolah memiliki keinginan untuk menaruh perhatian lebih (memang seharusnya 'lebih') untuk program dan kegiatan sekolah yang bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada para siswa berkaitan dengan kesadaran perlindungan anak, dalam hal ini termasuk Undang-Undang Perlindungan Anak?
  2. Apakah para praktisi pendidikan di sekolah, dalam hal ini, para guru memiliki keinginan untuk menjadi teman bagi para siswa dan berani untuk bertindak jika ada dugaan kekerasan terhadap anak dalam lingkup sekolah (dan di luar lingkup sekolah)?
  3. Apakah pihak pimpinan sekolah siap untuk mengambil tindakan pendisiplinan (termasuk pemecatan) kepada pihak manapun dalam lingkup sekolah yang melakukan kekerasan terhadap anak? Mengingat nama baik sekolah cenderung lebih diutamakan dibandingkan kasus-kasus kekerasan terhadap anak.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Project-Based Learning

What is Project-Based Learning?
Project-based learning hails from a tradition of pedagogy which asserts that students learn best by experiencing and solving real-world problems. According to researchers (Barron & Darling-Hammond, 2008;Thomas, 2000), project-based learning essentially involves the following:
  • students learning knowledge to tackle realistic problems as they would be solved in the real world
  • increased student control over his or her learning
  • teachers serving as coaches and facilitators of inquiry and reflection
  • students (usually, but not always) working in pairs or groups
I'd like to highlight bullet number 3, 'teachers serving as coaches and facilitators of inquiry and reflection.' This is actually a great point about the Project -Based Learning. You see, in most traditional classes (with traditional teachers) the teachers do most of the talking. It seems that the primary responsibility of teachers is to explain, to do the talking. Most teachers will feel like they are not doing their job if they talk less. There is a tendency to avoid students do most of the discussion. That is why this project-based approach will take some time for many teachers because in this approach students will do the discussion while the teachers will only act as the facilitator, in this case the students will do most of the talking and working. Teachers will do the observation and give guidance. Isn't it awesome?

So, the challenges here are:
1. teachers start implementing  Project-Based Learning
2. teachers enjoy being facilitators for the students