Friday, September 13, 2013

Tradinternational School

The concept of tradinternational school is derived from two terms, traditional and international.

It's a commonly pity fact that schools at the village is considered left behind and cannot compete with the schools at the city.

Why not having the schools to blend with the society at the village.

Schools at the village have many advantages that the schools at the city don't.
- People know each other
- It's easier to manage
- Students come from the same neighborhood/society
- Collaboration with the society is easier
- There are not too many students in each classroom

Involving the society in the school education.
Farming, customs, value and culture.
Society as teachers.

Children's education is the responsible of the society. 

Bring classroom to the society.
Bring society to the classroom.

Teachers as facilitators.

Being a trainer. Between an obligation and a satisfaction

First passion to be a trainer
How the passion suffers
What will happen then

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Passion for a Big Dream. Gen.37:5-11

Passion for a Big Dream

Now imagine this. 
A young boy was having a conversation with his 10 older brothers. He then narrated enthusiastically about his dream, saying  that his brothers would bow down to him. 
This boy was hated by the brothers and now he dreamed a stupid dream. What was he thinking?

Joseph, I believe, dreamed many dreams. He may have also shared some of them to his brothers. But why, among his other dreams, was he hated even more after he told them about this dream?

They could have just laughed about it and mocked Joseph. After all, he was just a 'kid' for them, a spoiled one. They could have just ignored him, saying that it was yet another stupid dream from a spoiled boy.

Now Joseph was already 17 years old. So, he was no longer a kid. He might have been aware how to behave. He was not a popular and liked brother. But he dared to share them this provocative dream. 

I tried to picture Joseph, clothed in a colourful robe given by their father, standing among his brothers, and later on with the whole family, saying confidently about his vision. He was no longer a kid. He was a young man. Maybe his brothers started to feel that there was some truth in what he was saying. Besides, he dreamed another dream that was similar to the previous one. That's why they didn't want it to happen. They could picture themselves bowing down before this spoiled boy. They envied him. His father, Joseph, was no different. He also reprimanded Joseph for that. But then, in verse 11, it is said that while Joseph's brothers grew their hatred to him, Jacob kept it to his heart. He may have sensed it. This boy might be revealing the event to come. Just like Mary kept it to heart because she believed in it, so did Jacob.

Jacob believed in his dream. He shared that to his family. He was passionate about it.

How passionate are we to have the dream that God plants in us?

Believe it. Share it. Love it. Pray for it. And Make it Happen.

Pray to God for a dream He has for you and be obedient.

Envious. Gen.37:1-4

The beginning of the story of Joseph

  • Joseph knew the evil thing that his brother did. What could it be?
  • He was 17 years old, being in the field, feeding the flocks.
  • Very loved by his father, Jacob, because he was born when Jacob was very old. What about Benjamin? 
  • His brother hated him so much. They did not speak peaceably to him.
  • Jacob made him a coat of many colors.
Lesson Learned: Envious

Joseph's brothers had all the reasons in the world to despise Joseph. He was the youngest of all, being spoiled by their father, cared the most, and was treated differently by Jacob. 
They envied him and never got along with him. they probably talked behind his back and planned how they could harm him, get rid of him. 

How would you be if you were among Joseph's brothers?

And Joseph, probably did not know why he was loved that much by Jacob, acted like a normal youngster who enjoyed the care (special care) by his father. But maybe he was marginalized by his own brothers, not welcomed by them, treated badly by them. Everywhere and every time he went with them, he was always 'abandoned'.

How would you react to this kind of treatment by your own brothers, family?

Don't be jealous and envious of others' blessings. Stay focus on your path and be grateful for others. If your focus is on others' blessings (success), you might take the wrong turn or slided to the edge of the street and drove outside the street.

Be Transformed

God is ready to pour you rain of blessings.
The question now is, "Are you ready for the rain?"
If your field is not clean, bushy, messy, full of grass, not maintained, what good is the rain?

You need to clean your field, mow the yard, plow the field so that it will be ready for the rain, ready to be planted, ready for the harvest.

So is yourself.

How can you be ready to receive God's pouring blessings if your heart is still dry, your mind is not transformed, and your body is not in shape?

Take good care of yourself before you take care of God's blessings.
God is ready when you are ready.

So, be transformed by the renewal of your mind.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Cuplikan dari 'Papap, I love you', novel karya Sundari Mardjuki

"Berapa banyak sih bintang yang ada di langit itu?" tanya Kaka tiba-tiba.
"Banyak. Tak terhitung," jawab Bima dengan nada ogah-ogahan. Maklum, matanya sudah menuntutnya untuk istirahat.
"Kalau tak terhitung, berarti langit itu gede banget ya, Pap?" Suara Kaka masih terdengar segar. Tumben, meski sudah jam 10 malam ia belum mengantuk sama sekali.
"Ya, begitulah," kata Bima sambil menguap lebar-lebar. "Tahu nggak, matahari yang biasa kita lihat di siang hari itu sebenarnya bintang juga. Besar sekali, lebih 100 kali llipat besarnya dari bumi yang kita huni. Bintang yang kita lihat sekarang ini bisa jadi lebih besar dari matahari yang selalu menyinari  bumi kita. Jadi, bayangkan saja betapa luasnya semesta itu untuk menampung bintang yang jumlahnya tidak terhitung," kata Bima lagi. Entah kenapa kantuknya sekarang hilang. Ia justru teringat pelajaran astronomi dulu yang sempat mengusik keingintahuannya. persis seperi kaka saat ini.
"Berarti kita ini kecil sekali ya, Pap, dibandingkan semesta?" tanya Kaka lagi.
Bima mengganti posisinya tidurnya. Kali ini ia memiringkan badannya hingga menghadap Kaka. "Betul sekali. Kita ini kecil sekali. Nggak ada apa-apanya dibandingkan benda-benda yang ada di semesta. Kita ini mungkin lebih kecil daripada debu," katanya sambil menjentikkan jarinya.
"Kalau manusia saja tidak ada apa-apanya, mestinya kita nggak perlu kuatir ya kalau lagi sedih, karena kesedihan kita juga tidak ada apa-apanya kan, Pap?" tanya Kaka lagi. Matanya masish menatap langit.

Terasa ada sodokan kecil yang mendarat di perut Bima. Jantungnya berdegup kencang. Ia tidak mengira kalimat yang diluncurkan Kaka memberikan efek luar biasa pada dirinya. Kesedihan kita tidak ada apa-apanya? Inikah pesan kehidupan yang dikirimkan Sang pemilik Semesta melalui kata-kata polos bocah yang dikasihinya? Betapa dia merasa selama ini dunia tidak berpihak kepadanya. Dia menabung sakit hati yang setia dipanggulnya ke mana pun dia pergi. Rasa sakit itu sudah seperti candu, yang membuatnya jengah untuk bangkit. Betapa waktu disia-siakan untuk terus berkubang dalam keterpurukan dan meratapi kehidupan, padahal semesta terus bergerak, saling berformasi dalam menata keseimbangan. Bima menatap dalam-dalam wajah Kaka, yang masih mendongak menatap bintang-bintang. Ada banyak PR yang harus diajarkan ayah kepada anaknya, tetapi jauh sebelum itu dia harus menyelesaikan PR dirinya sendiri. Bagaimana ia sanggup memimpin titipan Ilahi itu, jika ia sendiri belum mampu memimpin dirinya sendiri?